God’s greatness and loving-kindness has made this journey possible. During my study, I wrestled most with His wisdom. Personally, I have also received much prayer support and shepherding love from brothers and sisters, friends, teachers, and pastors alike. This alone brings me to thankful tears. Lord-willingly, I would be studying in the PhD Program of […]
Master of Theology (ThM)
YaPing Li
Chun Wei Chuo
Many years ago, I started out as an interpreter for English-speaking professors in a seminary in Taiwan. I’m grateful to the Lord that I’m now able to serve the church in more ways than mere translation thanks to the training I’ve received at Westminster. I thank the school, the staff and my teachers for all […]
Robert Yancey
I am grateful for the opportunity to study at Westminster. My courses have further equipped me to shepherd and serve as Lead Pastor of Capital Presbyterian Church of Fairfax, Va.
Samuel Jungwon Kim
Studying at Westminster was a tremendous blessing from God. My bookshelves are ladened. My insights in Church History are deepened. And thankfully, God has given me and my wife two kids during those years. After graduation, I’ll continue my pastoral ministry and evangelism works in South Korea and neighboring countries. Like the Scottish Covenanters I’ve […]
Fedir Minakov
I had a great privildge to study under the finest theologians at Westminster. The experience of personal communication with brilliant scholars is invaluable to me. I’ve heard genius ideas from humble professors. I saw faithful communication of the Gospel in the most clear fashion. All of this fashions a great example for me to follow. […]
Byounghong Choi
God has used this institution to equip and humble me as a herald of God’s word. It has been a blessing to delve into the Scriptures with Bible experts and faithful friends. I want to express my special gratitude to Dr. Poythress, Dr. Duguid, Dr. Gibson, and Dr. Carter. Dr. Poythress showed a great example […]